Cashew From India !

Cashew, a tree native of Eastern Brazil, was introduced in India by the Portuguese nearly five centuries ago. In India, cashew was first introduced in Goa, from where it spread to other parts of the country. Initially, it found use in soil binding to check erosion. Commercial cultivation began in the early 1960s and, over the years, cashew became a crop with high economic value and attained the status of an export-oriented commodity, earning considerable foreign exchange for India.

Cashew Health Benefits

India Export Of Cashew Nuts

Export of cashew nut shell from India stood at 8,325 MT, valued at US$ 5.06 million during 2017-18, while exports of cashew kernels stood at 84,352 MT, valued US$ 910.94 million during the same period.

India accounts for about 65 per cent of global cashew exports. This country exports cashew kernels to over 60 countries and the major markets are the US, the Netherlands, Japan, Spain, France, Germany, the UK as well as Middle East countries such as the UAE and Saudi Arabia.